Friday, March 18, 2016

Fabulous Field Trip

We had an awesome time on our field trip yesterday!  The kids explored, collaborated while completing a Sink and Float challenge, and participated in hands-on activities! What a great day!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Mrs. Pitman's Nursing Home

This is the best looking group of 100 year olds I've ever seen! 
Thanks for joining in the fun!  Have a safe vacation!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Celebration Time! Come on! Let's Celebrate!

In order to celebrate the ending of our Personal Narrative Writing Unit we had a celebration with Ms. Fuller's class. The kids got into groups and shared their writing. They were so proud of themselves!  I was SO impressed with ALL of their published copies! They applied so much of what they learned!  We will be moving onto creating "How To" pieces! I will model my "How To" piece on Monday.  "How To Pop Your Ear"!  The kids can't wait!



Friday, January 15, 2016

Gerald and Piggie stories by Mo Williems

Our preschool buddies came to our class this week! The students had a blast assisting their buddy and creating the characters from the story they read together. The second graders were in charge of completing a Story Elements booklet while their buddy worked on the illustrations.  

I loved watching the class work with the little ones.  I definitely see some future teachers! Having buddies provides the kiddos with the opportunity to work on being patient, kind, and cooperative. 

They were excellent role models and were all able to clip up after the activity was complete!  I was very proud of them!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happy Holidays!

The children had a busy week learning about different holidays, crafting with their Preschool buddies, and participating in holiday craft centers!  They were VERY enthusiastic about the upcoming break, but did a great job containing their excitement!

When we return from vacation we will continue to work 
on the following curriculum skills/standards:

Math: Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
Reading: Making Inferences 
Fundations: Vowel Consonant e (magic e)
Writers Workshop- Finishing our Personal Narrative Unit and beginning Informational Writing

Thank you all for attending conferences and being so supportive! The kids are lucky to have such caring parents!

I wish everyone a fun-filled break! Enjoy this time with your family!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Turn into a Turkey

The kids had to "Turn into a T.U.R.K.E.Y" today! They came up with thoughtful sentences to go along with the acronym T.U.R.K.E.Y! 

T- Take Time to Thank Someone
U- Use Your Skills to Help Out
R- Relax and Spend Time with Friends and Family
K- Kindness and Caring Count
E- Everyone Matters. Everyone
Y- You Make a Difference

Please check out the projects when they come home! Flip immediately to the "U" page to see what skill he/she is going to bring to the "table" during Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!