Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Turn into a Turkey

The kids had to "Turn into a T.U.R.K.E.Y" today! They came up with thoughtful sentences to go along with the acronym T.U.R.K.E.Y! 

T- Take Time to Thank Someone
U- Use Your Skills to Help Out
R- Relax and Spend Time with Friends and Family
K- Kindness and Caring Count
E- Everyone Matters. Everyone
Y- You Make a Difference

Please check out the projects when they come home! Flip immediately to the "U" page to see what skill he/she is going to bring to the "table" during Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Little Buddies!

We had a visit from our reading buddies yesterday! The kids were excellent role models and did a GREAT job reading to their little friend!  My favorite quote from a preschooler-"Mrs. Pitman, did you know that I can't read? It's a good thing I have a reading buddy!" How precious!


Creative Projects and Halloween Fun!

The kids did an unbelievable job on their book report projects! Thank you for all of your support with this project! I was impressed!  Also, thanks to all of the parents that supplied materials and ran Halloween centers! The kids had a blast!


EWWW! Pumpkin Guts!

Pumpkin Math was AWESOME! A lot of children dove right in and wanted to get their hands full of guts! They estimated, measured, weighed, and counted the seeds that were inside their pumpkins! They had fun and learned a lot at the same time! Isn't that what it's all about?!



Sweatt Hill Adventure

Check out the kids on Sweat Hill. They participated in a fall scavenger hunt and were SHOCKED to see Boston all the way from Wrentham! What a fun hike!