Friday, January 23, 2015

Who would have thought...

that seven and eight year olds still love to play with bubbles!  As I began reading Pop! A Book About Bubbles, there was apprehension in the air. I could tell that some students were resistant to listening to a book about bubbles when I saw a couple of eye rolls as if indicate, this is way beyond us!  Huh! This is when I thought to myself- I'll show them!

As we got into the story the students' excitement rose, and they were turning and talking and sharing connections and facts that they never knew before.  They had several questions and wondered about many of the details that were shared in the story.

The students ended up buddying up and writing facts about bubbles. They then took their fact sheet and developed a paragraph about what they learned. Of course, we had to tie Science into this lesson, so we spoke about Solids, Liquids, and Gases, and the students participated in a bubble experiment. 

There are times during the school year, when I pause and think to myself about the demands that are placed upon our children.  The standards are rigorous and challenging.
Sometimes it is nice to just let kids be kids. When we were blowing bubbles, they got this opportunity!

This morning, they walked in and saw their writing hung.  They LOVED the bubble surprise!  "Mrs. Pitman, you are so silly!"


Friday, January 9, 2015

"In 2015 I will...

work on not pinching my sister."  This week we worked on writing New Year's Resolutions.  The mom side of me thought this one was hysterical. 
When filling out their resolutions I was surprised to see how self-reflective they were and how much they threw themselves under the bus! 

They were asked to write 2 ways they can a better learner in 2015.  Here are some of the responses.
*I will try to pay attention.
*I will try harder during writing.
*I can practice my math facts more.
*I can be quiet in the hallways.
*I can stop laughing and fooling around.
*I can stay focused.
And my favorite...
*I can change my bedtime!

Then they were asked to list 5 things they would like to accomplish this year.  Here goes...
*I would like to eat more nachos.
*I would like to cut down a tree.
*I would like to go on a Disney cruise (who wouldn't!)
*I would like to get a ferret.
* I would like to order Chinese food.
And my favorite...
* I would like to catch a baby owl.

I love how honest and innocent these kiddos are!
Happy New Year's!