Friday, January 9, 2015

"In 2015 I will...

work on not pinching my sister."  This week we worked on writing New Year's Resolutions.  The mom side of me thought this one was hysterical. 
When filling out their resolutions I was surprised to see how self-reflective they were and how much they threw themselves under the bus! 

They were asked to write 2 ways they can a better learner in 2015.  Here are some of the responses.
*I will try to pay attention.
*I will try harder during writing.
*I can practice my math facts more.
*I can be quiet in the hallways.
*I can stop laughing and fooling around.
*I can stay focused.
And my favorite...
*I can change my bedtime!

Then they were asked to list 5 things they would like to accomplish this year.  Here goes...
*I would like to eat more nachos.
*I would like to cut down a tree.
*I would like to go on a Disney cruise (who wouldn't!)
*I would like to get a ferret.
* I would like to order Chinese food.
And my favorite...
* I would like to catch a baby owl.

I love how honest and innocent these kiddos are!
Happy New Year's!

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