Thursday, June 11, 2015

Field Day!!!!

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow is field day! I LOVE this day!  It is one of the few opportunities I have to  watch the kiddos run around and have FUN (and I can too)!

A couple of reminders:

1. Please have them wear sunscreen, a hat, and sneakers!
2. Their t-shirts are here at school and they can change into them in the am (they are light blue and fluorescent green). 
3. Please have them bring a water bottle with their name on it.
4.  We will be on the baseball fields.  The first 4 events go from 8:45-9:45. We will break for snack. Then do the last 4 events from 10:30-11:30. 
5. You are welcome to join us for lunch.  It will be at 12:00.  Please feel free to bring a blanket to sit on. 

The kiddos will then go to recess.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!


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