I had a difficult time coming up with a name for my blog until I recently spoke to a parent and she told me that her child referred to me as "The Dancing Teacher". I'm sure this title was given to me because I participated in Dancing with the Wrentham Stars, but I felt it was a perfect fit because I do occasionally like to dance and sing during lessons! Welcome to "The Dancing Teacher" Mrs. Pitman's Blog!
Friday, December 19, 2014
Large Post-It Note
Dear Parents,
This post requires you to take out a large post-it note, as it is a series of important reminders. Let's admit we all need a little help reminding things at this busy time of the year!
1. Wednesday is library day. We go to library the first and third Wednesday of every month. Please be sure that when your child comes home with a library book, they place it in the same special spot every time. At my house, ironically the book stays in the corner of the small messy counter. Hey-at least we know where it is! Also, please be sure to send the book in, so your child is able to pick out a new book. Currently, they have a book at home and it is due back after vacation (the first week in January).
2. The family tradition project is due this Monday, December 22nd. They may bring in pictures, a written report, or an object to explain the special tradition. We are looking forward to hearing about all the special things you do at home!
3. On Monday, December 22nd, some students need to complete and return their Literature Circle bags and "jobs". If they did not receive a note yesterday in their mailbox, then they are all set!
4. On Tuesday, December 23rd, it is pajama day and we are watching Polar Express! Yeah!
5. Please be continuously logging your child's reading at home for the Read to Succeed Six Flags program. This is due on January 29th! It will be here before we know it!
6. Look out! After vacation I will be sending home the January book report papers and new homework expectations!
I hope you and your family have happy holidays!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Let's Rock!
We are ready to rock and roll with our rock unit! As a second grade team we decided to divide and conquer this unit, therefore the students will be visiting other teachers' classrooms in order to learn more interesting information about rocks! They have already visited Mrs. Morgan's room and learned about 3 different types of rocks-basalt, scoria, and tuff. They participated in experiments for each! The students will be going to Mrs. Young's to see her unique rock collection and to make observations and lastly to Mrs. Rosenkranz to learn about the rock cycle by melting crayons! Today, the kiddos participated in 3 rock stations in our classroom. They weighed, measured, and partook in a sink and float activity. Before they started each center, they were required to sing the Rock Cycle song to the tune of Row, Row, Row, Your Boat and when they completed every center they had to fill out their Venn diagram comparing and contrasting their rock to a friends. At dinner tonight, sing along to the Rock Cycle song!
Friday, December 5, 2014
I feel very fortunate that our school system values technology the way it does. Having 6 student computers in the classroom allow the students to constantly reinforce and enrich their skills throughout the day and in every curriculum area. The software that Wrentham has purchased is utilized weekly in our center activities. Below is a list of programs we use on a consistent basis. Feel free to check them out with your child at home!
*xtramath.org- helps the children learn and memorize math facts
*mobymax.com- helps the children practice their facts
*reflexmath.com- helps the children build math fact fluency
*tumblebooks.com- children listen to fiction stories
*http://auth.grolier.com/login/bookflix/login.php- on Bookflix children listen to non-fiction and fiction pairings on a certain topic (for example I did a whole group lesson on a Time for Kids magazine article about spiders. Later in the week on Bookflix they listened to a non-fiction book about spiders and Diary of a Spider).
*http://reading.ecb.org/- children use Into the Book to practice the comprehension strategies that are taught in class (for example inferencing).
*raz-kids.com- students read a book at their independent reading level and take a follow-up quiz
*spellingcity.com/grade2Wrentham- the children are retaught and practice their Fundations trick words on this site.
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