Thursday, December 11, 2014

Let's Rock!

We are ready to rock and roll with our rock unit! As a second grade team we decided to divide and conquer this unit, therefore the students will be visiting other teachers' classrooms in order to learn more interesting information about rocks! They have already visited Mrs. Morgan's room and learned about 3 different types of rocks-basalt, scoria, and tuff.  They participated in experiments for each!   The students will be going to Mrs. Young's to see her unique rock collection and to make observations and lastly to Mrs. Rosenkranz to learn about the rock cycle by melting crayons!  Today, the kiddos participated in 3 rock stations in our classroom.  They weighed, measured, and partook in a sink and float activity. Before they started each center, they were required to sing the Rock Cycle song to the tune of Row, Row, Row, Your Boat and when they completed every center they had to fill out their Venn diagram comparing and contrasting their rock to a friends. At dinner tonight, sing along to the Rock Cycle song!



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