* helps the children learn and memorize math facts
* helps the children practice their facts
* helps the children build math fact fluency
* children listen to fiction stories
* on Bookflix children listen to non-fiction and fiction pairings on a certain topic (for example I did a whole group lesson on a Time for Kids magazine article about spiders. Later in the week on Bookflix they listened to a non-fiction book about spiders and Diary of a Spider).
* children use Into the Book to practice the comprehension strategies that are taught in class (for example inferencing).
* students read a book at their independent reading level and take a follow-up quiz
* the children are retaught and practice their Fundations trick words on this site.
I love this little window into Norah's world! The pictures are awesome. Norah use to always answer "nothing", when we asked what she did all day. Your Blog now makes her an expert reporter! Thank you Mrs. Pitman!