Friday, May 1, 2015

Mealworms are awesome?

It's my favorite time of the year- having insects in my room! I'm totally kidding! It creeps me out! After school when I lock up the door to go home, I pray that those creepy crawlers stay in their habitat and the next day I don't walk into an insect party!

In saying that, it is truly so fun for the children to have the mealworms in class. They give them names, take care of them, and really get to know their desk mates. Throughout the insect unit the students will be learning about the life cycle, collecting data, making observations, and even making their own insect!

When I introduce the unit, I tell the students there is a BIG secret.  The secret is that the mealworms turn into beetles. As you can imagine, this is such a HUGE surprise when it happens. They learn so much about the life cycle and are truly amazed to watch it happen right in front of their own eyes! If the secret is ruined for them, they miss out on the big finale. Please talk to your child, feel out if they know the secret, and if they do, please ask them to keep it to themselves. Also, if they don't know the secret and their older sibling does, please bribe their older brother or sister into not saying a word!
I appreciate your support with this!

Below are pictures of the students setting up their buddies' habitat!




1 comment:

  1. I agree, they would creep me out too! But it's great to seem them so interested and all of them getting their hands in there! Can't wait until they see what's next! : )
