Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

This Thursday was Pumpkin Math day!  Despite the smell (uhhhh), the kids had an awesome time being scientists and mathematicians. They predicted, experimented, measured, and weighed to discover the answers to questions about their particular pumpkin.  One group counted 578 seeds, while others were shocked that their pumpkins floated!  Some children got down and dirty pulling out the seeds and other group members shied away during this opportunity. It was so much fun watching them experiment!

Halloween Day=Hyper kids (even before sugar is even given)! This is a lesson I learned my first year of teaching! I will never forget it and come prepared each year. The students participated in Halloween centers.  They played Pictionary, participated in a Pumpkin Race (our crazy center), played Bingo (our low-key center), and painted adorable mini pumpkins (thanks to Mrs. Hollowell).  I could hardly recognize them with their costumes on. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin projects came in today! Check out the creative bags and awesome artificial/real pumpkin characters!


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Calling All Special People!

Despite the rain, we had a great showing for Special Person's Day!  The hour flew by and the children had a great time completing the Haunted House assignment with their special helper. They had to follow a series of directions to complete this project. I discovered what wonderful artists we have in this class!  Let's just say the special people that came knew a thing or two about drawing too!  Please check out the pictures below of our Special People aka Haunted House Helpers!

One of our math tools that the children always have accessible is the 100's chart.  This tool helps the students to solve word problems as well as count forward and backwards from any given number.  The students participated in a teamwork activity where they had to build a gigantic 100's chart together.  After building the chart, we had conversations about even and odd numbers, number patterns, place value, 10 more/10 less, skip counting, and number sense.  Check out the chart building below!