Thursday, October 9, 2014

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

This week we had the opportunity to work with Miss Geary's class during our math and reading block! 
During math, we took the children outside and had them race to make a ten!  One of the addition strategies that we teach the kids is how to make a ten. In other words, what number plus another number equals ten?  This strategy will help them throughout their elementary career and beyond because it is an efficient way to add! 
Here's how the game worked! We broke the students into two teams and gave each child a number 0-10.  Their job was to find a person who had a number that would equal 10 when added to their number. The first team to have all arms linked were the Make a Ten Race Champions! 
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Earlier in the week the students wrote down a list of topics they believed they were specialists or experts in!  We gathered some non-fiction books to research their topics and further their expertise.  We will be making a specialist project with the facts that they gathered. We will also incorporate non-fiction text features into this assignment (such as illustrations, labels, and captions).  Check out the pictures below. With their specialist buddy, they are putting sticky notes on interesting and cool facts!  Miss Geary and I can't wait to see the final products!

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